Friends with Guns
You think you know your friends, your neighbors, your spouse, but what happens when you suddenly find out they have a garage full of guns? This new dark comedy explores the complicated issue of gun proliferation when two young liberal couples are forced to confront their assumptions about who should own a gun and why. The time of easy answers regarding this issue is long gone. In the wake of current events, we are all forced to reexamine our strongly held beliefs about gun ownership. Friends With Guns explores the question of what we can compartmentalize…and what we can’t. It examines what happens when guns enter the conversation. It pulls the curtain back on liberals with guns. It asks what happens when suddenly one person in a marriage does a 180 on the gun issue. And it does all of this through a female lens.
Post-Show Talkbacks & Events
Sunday, March 31st at 2 PM – Loren Lieb & Alan Stepakoff, Women Against Gun Violence
Friday, April 5th at 8 PM – Playwright Stephanie Alison Walker, Director Randee Trabitz, & Cast
Friday, April 12th at 8 PM – Beer & Pizza Night
Sunday, April 14th – 7 PM
Pay-What-You-Can Sundays
All Sunday performances are Pay-What-You-Can cash at the door only.
1st Cast
Shannon – Kate Huffman
Josh – Brian Graves
Leah – Arianna Ortiz
Danny – Christian Telesmar
Alt. Cast
Shannon – Emily Jerez
Josh – Brian Majestic
Leah – Cherish Monique Duke
Danny – Kris Frost
“’Friends With Guns’ is a subtle, savage feminist parable—a cautionary tale of the peril that may await women who dare to venture outside their accepted roles.” – LA Times
“Director Randee Trabitz masterfully choreographs the rising tension of Walker’s play.” — LA Observed
“Boy, is this a timely play. As usual, the incomparable folks at The Road Theatre Company are taking on subjects firmly out there in our zeitgeist and getting in our face about them. Isn’t that what art does best?”— Nohoartsdistrict.com
“Director Randee Trabitz does a yeoman’s job of helming this production, keeping the subtle nuances of a coupling in focus while introducing stressful dynamics that have been long ignored.” — Splash Magazine
“… I believe this is a highly important play for our time.” — People’s World
“This is one gut-puncher of a play.” — Stage Scene LA
“… the ensemble cast delivers finely etched characters of considerable, compelling emotion, who rocket to a climax without dénouement. —” Paul Myrvold