SPF 11: One Act Plays – 8.2
A night of five one act plays.
Directed by Cate Caplin
Outside a retirement community, two residents meet for a friendly chat. One thing leads to another, and another and “One More Thing…”.
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Directed by Nancy Fassett
Set in present time, two siblings in LA catch up via Zoom with their mother in New York revealing a complex dynamic of passive aggression that runs as rampant as COVID-19.
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Directed by Jacob Smith
After a dragon destroys their village, Theo sails across a sea, treks through a jungle, climbs over mountains, and crosses a desert, but there’s one more obstacle to face before they can reach safety: Three riddles from the Border Troll.
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Directed by Carlyle King
Maizie and Willow, a promise, a pillow, one very bleak day.
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Directed by Susan Diol
A short play about how we confront and handle change and choice in both ourselves and those we love.