The Chisholm Trail Went Through Here
The Rucker family–in Brady Thomas’ memory play, “The Chisholm Trail Went Through Here,” about life just after World War II in the dusty flatlands of Texas–looks very much like similar families of that time. Industrial progress and fate have almost whittled them down to their knees. Their cattle are gone, their hopes decaying, their dreams kept alive in simple pleasures. Their story is painted on a dramatic canvas as wide as West Texas in a rich, colorful and extremely affectionate production at the Road Theatre.
Mae Rucker – Patricia Herd
Bryan Lee Rucker – Christopher Faville
Jo Beth Jennings – Tawni Tamietti
“Buck” Rucker – David Gianopoulos
Jack Gates – William Fuller
Belle Rucker Gates – Tamar Fortgang
Malcolm Jennings – Patrick James Clarke
Grady Oates – Bob Larkin
Peggy Jean Sandusky – Maria Marlowe
Josie Bavoset -Eve Brent
Eileen Rucker Jennings – Susan Rome
Jo Beth Jennings – Gabrielle Boni
Director – Taylor Gilbert
Set Design – James McDermott
Lighting Design – Stephanie Losleben
Costume Design – Mary Jane Miller
Production Stage Manager – Sean Farrell
Fight Choreography – Steve Kelso
Supervising Producer – Brad Hills
Assistant Producer – Michele Mischo
Assistant Director – Rick A. Osako
Assistant Stage Manager – Justine Baldwin
Photography – Frank Ratte
Program Design & Layout – David Flad
“But it is director Taylor Gilbert’s insight and empathy that mostly re-creates the world of the Ruckers’ despair… [and] balances the play’s moods and often symphonic rhythms expertly.” – LA Times
“As the duplicitous Malcolm, Clarke is a standout, and Tamietti, only 8 years old, gives a remarkably on-the-money performance as Jo Beth, neither too cloying nor too cute.” – Daily News