In the backroom of a small Boston bar, Irish and Italian, black and white, men and women, meet to drink and gamble. The local car plant has been shut down and the “customers” can’t pay the vig (Yiddish slang for the interest on a debt). The big boss is concerned that business is getting “soft.” After 30 years of service, a small-time bookie with a big heart is about to find that his style of doing business is on its way out.
Vinnie Glynn – Tom Finnegan
Phil Morrison – Gordon Pinkney
Angie Costello – Jimmy Clarke
Rocky Dukes – Michael Dempsey
Jackie Morse – Nyla Copp
Al Sheehan – James K. Stroud
Pete DiLuca – Kent Minault
Tony Cicero – David Gianopoulos
Frankie Peterson – Dan Butler
Marybeth Peterson – Taylor Gilbert
Ellen Glynn – Sheila Ferrini
Director – Brad Hills
Producer – Rick A. Osako
Set Design – Wes Hanson
Costume Design – D.M. Solomita
Lighting Design – David Flad
Assistant to Mr. Osako – Michele Mischo
Stage Manager – Melissa McLean
Assistant Stage Manager – Tina Gerald
Technical Director – Brian Hornbeck
Technical Advisor – Danny Haydt
Light Board Operator – Dena Cerino
Production Photographer – Frank Ratté
Fight Choreographer – Steve Kelso
“Some of the best American plays take place in a bar. And now comes the tough, bookie drama ‘Vig,’ a real saloon-stomper, a have-one-for-the-road kind of play at, aptly enough, The Road Theatre…” – LA Times
“Director Brad Hills has done a remarkable job recreating the north end of Boston… Hats off to Tom Finnegan for a wonderful performance… in every scene he plays, Gianopoulos makes a major contribution. it is a brilliant performance.” – Drama-Logue
“Bolstered by extremely strong and authentic performances, and by Hapenny’s finely tuned ear for dialogue, the iconographic characters and the timelessness of their concerns produce both a nostalgia and a lingering reverberation; the more I think about this play, the more affecting it becomes.” – LA Weekly