The Totality of All Things
April 18th - May 25thWritten By Erik GernandDirected By Taylor NicholsWEST COAST PREMIERE The Totality of All Things is part of Reflections on Art and Democracy, a celebration of plays and lectures in Los Angeles aimed at raising awareness about the...
The Civil Twilight
At The Broadwater Studio Theatre 1078 Lillian Way Hollywood, EXTENDED APRIL 5th - MAY 11thWritten By Shem BittermanDirected By Ann Hearn TobolowskyThe Civil Twilight by Shem Bitterman 12 added performances April 5th through May 11th! Starring Taylor Gilbert & Andrew Elvis Miller
Under Construction 6 Submissions Closed
The Road is proud to begin its SIXTH year of Under Construction, a playwright’s group that develops socially and politically relevant voices and thoughts to the American stage....
The Word and Under Construction Readings
As part of our mission to foster the development of new plays, The Road hosts readings on Mondays at 7:30pm that are open to the public and tickets...
FLEX PASS – Season Subscription, complimentary snack and beverage
The Road announces FLEX PASS! Our season subscription offers 4 tickets to use however you like for the 2023-24 season! INCLUDING ALL OF OUR READINGS, SUMMER PLAYWRIGHTS FESTIVAL...
Road Theatre Company News & Updates

The Totality of All Things
WEST COAST PREMIERE The Totality of All Things is part of Reflections...